The global humanitarian response system classifies the most severe, large-scale humanitarian crises as level-three or "L3" emergencies. The urgency, scale and complexity of these crises are objectively overwhelming and beyond the capacity of local responders and governments to address. The extreme levels of need in these cases often arise due to violent conflict or famine conditions (or both) which cause large scale human displacement, ultimately effecting the surrounding countries and regions. At present, the three active system-wide L3 emergencies as declared by the IASC and supported by UNOCHA are...
How Your 1% Can Change The World
When people lack the most basic human needs like adequate water, food, shelter, vaccines or basic health care; even a modest donation commitment can do a tremendous amount of good. Using real donation equivalency data from our humanitarian nonprofit partners, and with the help of our brilliant friend Jake Albaugh, we've made a giving calculator that uniquely illustrates how far a percentage of your income can go to have truly remarkable life-changing and life-saving impacts for those who lack access to the most basic human necessities...
Crisis in Focus: Rohingya Refugee Crisis
The Rohingya are a mostly Muslim ethnic group rendered stateless by the nation of Myanmar in 1982, when the majority Buddhist nation rejected their citizenship despite generations of historical roots in the Rahkine state on its western coast. Although they've endured systematic oppression and violent persecution for decades; in recent years religious and ethnic tensions have escalated...