grant REcipients / humanitarian partners
Since 2013, 100% of our member donations received (after transaction cost) have been granted directly to the below nonprofit aid organizations for their ongoing work in 120 countries to reduce human suffering and help build a better future for victims of injustice.
Although our fundraising efforts have been voluntarily suspended as of July 31, 2020, together our members have donated nearly $170,000 to support these life-saving non-governmental humanitarian field organizations. Please visit their websites directly (links below) to learn more and consider making a commitment to support their urgent work around the world.
Learn more about why we think giving 1% of your income is a great place to start.
Photo: Miguel Samper for Mercy Corps, Nepal
mercy corps
Alleviating suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, just, and productive communities, Mercy Corps works in 40 countries to save and improve lives in the world's toughest places.
Photo: Tommy Trenchard for Oxfam, Iraq
Oxfam helps people save lives in disasters, build stronger futures for themselves and hold the powerful accountable, working in 90 countries to help end the injustice of poverty.
Photo: Tom Greenwood for WaterAid, Cambodia
WaterAid works with local partners in over 30 countries to transform lives by helping people gain access to clean, sustainable water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's most marginalized communities.
Photo: Colin Delfosse for MSF, Central African Republic
doctors without borders / msf
Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres helps people worldwide where the need is the greatest, delivering emergency medical aid in over 70 countries affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from health care.
Photo: Sean Sheridan for IJM, Uganda
International Justice Mission protects the poor from violence in the developing world, through its team of 750 lawyers, investigators, social workers, community activists and other professionals working with local justice systems in 10 countries through 17 strategically located field offices.
previous Grant achievements:
$43,000 in unrestricted funds granted to the above five partners (split equally)
$25,000 granted to Mercy Corps for Democratic Republic of the Congo Fund
$25,000 granted to Oxfam for Africa Emergency Relief Funds
$25,000 granted to WaterAid for Niger Country Program Fund
$25,000 granted to International Justice Mission for Southeast Asia Fund
$25,000 granted to Direct Relief for Maternal and Child Health Fund